If you’ve been on the lake the last few days, you may have noticed a line of buoys running parallel to Route 44. These buoys do not represent any navigational hazard. They are being used as a temporary slalom ski course, which has been set up with permission from CPWL. All skiers and wakeboarders are welcome to practice on the course but we ask that you do so with caution and be respectful of other watercraft in the area. Additionally, boaters enjoying the lake after dark should be mindful of the buoys to ensure that their vessels don’t get entangled with the buoy’s anchor lines. It is recommended that you navigate either close to the shoreline or the little island when passing through the area after sunset. If you have any questions or concerns about the slalom course, please email us at CPWL@CPWL.org.
On a related note… we have received reports of boaters towing tube riders well after dark. While we understand the appeal of enjoying the lake on these hot and humid evenings, water sports including tubing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, etc. after dark is not safe and not allowed on the lake per CPWL rules. Please also note that per RI DEM regulations, the use of personal watercraft (jet skies) is prohibited between 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise. We want everyone to enjoy a safe summer and we ask that all boaters do their part by following these common-sense rules and we thank you in advance for doing your part to ensure an accident-free summer on the lake.